1. Open the campaigns page then start campaign

2. Click create campaign using SalesGPT

3. You will then be prompted by SalesAI to provide your website. If you do not have a website for your product/service, then it will ask for a description of your service. For this example, we are using iGotham Capital's website.

4. SalesAI will then provide you with several options for personas that you would like to target. Here we'll choose Private Equity Firm Manager as the goal of this campaign is to find other private equity firms to co-invest with.

 5. SalesAI will then identify pain points and key metrics that private equity managers (or your desired persona) have. These messages will be used on LinkedIn to contact your persona. We can then edit the messages and the time to send the following messages if we feel they need to be changed.

6. Confirm the messages then have SalesAI write your follow-up messages.

7. Sales AI will create 3 more followup messages, then you can add those messages to your campaign.

8. Now we need to provide SalesAI with a list of people to contact. To do this, well navigate to LinkedIn, do a people search for the persona we'd like to contact, then copy and paste the URL into the campaign in the text box. Here we are searching "LMM private equity", then filtering by title as CEO, and in the United States.

9. Copy and paste URL into SalesAI

10. Lastly, name your campaign, click the blue "Create Campaign" button, and you're all set!